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Representative Pettersen Introduces Bills to Expand Access to Quality Child Care, Bolster Education Workforce

WASHINGTON  – Today, at a press conference, Representative Brittany Pettersen (CO-07) joined Democratic Whip Katherine Clark (MA-05), Representatives Suzanne Bonamici (OR-01), Jimmy Gomez (CA-34), Jennifer McClellan (VA-03), and Jill Tokuda (HI-02) to reintroduce the Child Care Infrastructure Act and the Child Care Workforce Development Act. Pettersen also introduced the bipartisan, bicameral Creating Early Childhood Leaders Act with Congressman Marc Molinaro (NY-19).

These pieces of legislation would address critical aspects of the affordable child care crisis by increasing access to quality care. Additionally, these bills would strengthen the workforce by providing incentives to recruit and retain skilled educators, while ensuring high-quality, age-appropriate instruction for young children.

“As a working mom of a four-year-old son with another child on the way, I know firsthand how difficult it is to find affordable child care and the struggles families in my district are facing, especially in more rural communities,” said Pettersen. “That’s why I’m proud to help reintroduce these two pieces of legislation to bolster our child care workforce, help lower costs for parents, and ensure every family can access the care they need for their children to thrive.” 

“I'm also grateful for Congressman Molinaro’s partnership on the Creating Childhood Leaders Act. Early childhood education lays the groundwork for lifelong learning, and this bill ensures school leaders focus on children from birth to age eight, building a strong foundation and fostering long-term success,” said Pettersen. 


The Child Care Infrastructure Act would create a grant program through the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to provide funding to states for building or renovating child care facilities and help ensure safe, high-quality learning environments for children. Additionally, the legislation calls for a nationwide assessment of the current condition of child care facilities. Bill text is available HERE

The Child Care Workforce Development Act would create a student loan repayment program for early childhood educators and establish a grant program for individuals pursuing a childhood development credential. This would help attract and retain skilled educators, addressing workforce shortages in early education and ensuring that young children receive high-quality care and instruction during their most formative years. Bill text is available HERE

The Creating Early Childhood Leaders Act would modify Title II of the Higher Education Act by mandating that school leadership programs receiving federal Teacher Quality Partnership grants incorporate training on early childhood development and effective instructional leadership for children from birth to age eight. Companion legislation was introduced by U.S. Senators Bob Casey (D-PA) and Mitt Romney (R-UT). Bill text is available HERE.

  • This legislation is endorsed by The Education Trust, National Association of Elementary School Principals, BPC Action, First Five Years Fund, ZERO TO THREE, National Association for the Education of Young Children, and New America. 


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