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Representative Pettersen Visits Community Project Funding Sites in Jefferson County

LAKEWOOD—U.S. Representative Brittany Pettersen (CO-07) recently visited four Community Project Funding sites in Jefferson County to meet with the people behind the projects and highlight the federal funding she helped deliver. 

The Community Project Funding process allows members of Congress to submit funding requests for projects based in their districts. Earlier this year Pettersen secured $13.9 million in funding for 15 community projects in Colorado's 7th Congressional District, which included efforts in Jefferson County to protect communities from flooding, help lower housing costs, increase clean and safe drinking water, and more. 

“Investments in affordable housing, clean drinking water, natural disaster prevention, and public safety are critical for the continued growth and prosperity of our community,” said Pettersen. “I’m so happy we were able to secure funding for these critical projects. I’ll keep working on the federal level to find real solutions that invest in our communities and make Colorado an even better place to call home.” 

Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office

Pettersen met with the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office and Sheriff Reggie Marinelli to highlight the $963,00 she secured for upgrades to radios within patrol, investigations, and command staff. These upgrades will improve communication between jurisdictions in Jefferson County, neighboring counties, and state level systems and allow them to more effectively keep our community safe.

“We are so grateful for the support shown by Representative Pettersen in providing the JCSO with congressional funding to improve mutual aid communications. The 200 radios it will provide will make a huge improvement in the efficiency of communicating with our county partners when responding to critical incidents such as wildfires.” Said Sheriff Reggie Marinelli. 

City of Westminster 

Pettersen visited the City of Westminster where she secured $959,752 to replace the city's water main line. The current water main line has had multiple breaks in recent months which can cause service interruptions, prevent clean water from getting to homes and businesses, and cause significant damage to our roadways.  

“The City of Westminster appreciates Representative Pettersen's leadership and continued advocacy for our community. Like many Front Range communities, our water infrastructure funding needs are significant, and these federal funds will help ensure we can provide clean, safe, and affordable drinking water to our community,” said Mayor Pro Tem Sarah Nurmela.

Flood Control in Lena Gulch

Pettersen also visited Lena Gulch in Golden where she helped secure $1.3 million to bolster flood prevention efforts and reduce the risks and impacts of flooding on residents and businesses. This funding comes in addition to a $23.8 million grant from the Department of Transportation, which Pettersen advocated for. The project will install culverts, stabilize eroding channels, add safety signage, fill sections with rocks and natural materials to improve water flow during flooding events, and construct a flood attenuation facility with park and recreation spaces. 

“We are so grateful to Representative Pettersen for her continued support of Lena Gulch. Lena Gulch plays a crucial role in Golden, Colorado's waterway system while simultaneously presenting a significant flood risk to our community. This funding will support efforts to safeguard both residential and commercial properties from the devastating effects of flooding, enabling our community to prosper despite the challenges posed by unpredictable weather patterns,” said Golden Mayor Laura Weinberg.


City of Wheat Ridge

Pettersen visited the City of Wheat Ridge where she secured $2 million to improve aging rental units and maintain affordable rents. The project is a part of the Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing (NOAH) program which is a pillar of the Affordable Housing Action Plan adopted by the Wheat Ridge City Council in January of last year.

"Preserving affordable rental housing is not just a priority, but a fundamental commitment to ensuring that all residents of our city have a place to call home. As regional housing costs rise, it's crucial that we take proactive steps to protect and expand affordable housing options. This grant will elevate our dedication to fostering a community where everyone, regardless of income, can have a place to call home," said Wheat Ridge Mayor Bud Starker.