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Rep. Pettersen Visits Park County, Hears from Seniors, Business Leaders, and Local Officials on How She Can Continue to Deliver for Coloradans in Congress

U.S. Representative Brittany Pettersen (CO-07) recently visited Park County, making stops in Bailey, Alma, and Fairplay to meet with local residents, business leaders, and elected officials and update them on the work she is doing in Congress.

She heard about workforce shortages, lack of affordable housing and childcare, the need for wildfire mitigation and about the urgency to address the skyrocketing cost of homeowners insurance because of wildfire risks. 

At her first stop in Bailey, Pettersen met with members of the Seniors Alliance of Platte Canyon where she heard about issues impacting Park County seniors including access to health care, housing, and broadband.

“Park County is one of the most naturally beautiful places in the country, and I feel honored to represent it in Congress, but like other areas of rural Colorado it is facing some serious problems that need addressing,” said Rep. Pettersen. “Access to affordable housing, health care, and child care are all recurring issues, and I look forward to continuing to work with local leaders to find solutions.” 

Next, Pettersen joined members of the Platte Canyon Area Chamber of Commerce where she heard directly from business leaders about the challenges they are facing to hire a strong workforce because of the lack of quality childcare, affordable housing, and other necessary services. They also discussed the need for better access to mental health care as Park County ranks amongst the highest tier of counties for suicides statewide.

Pettersen then traveled to Alma where she met with Mayor Saam Golgoon and members of the Board of Trustees where she once again heard about workforce challenges and the skyrocketing housing costs as more people continue to move into Colorado’s mountain communities. 

In Alma, Pettersen met with elected officials and community leaders to discuss their work to secure the necessary funding to restore their wastewater infrastructure and ensure the residents have access to clean and safe drinking water. 

“I had a great visit and meeting with U.S. Rep Brittany Pettersen earlier today. Thank you to Representative Pettersen for her care of our small town and consistent engagement. I have served 16 years on the town council, and in my tenure, this is the first federal representative who has cultivated a working relationship with the Town of Alma. She is a true leader!” said Saam Golgoon, Mayor of Alma. 

While in Alma, Pettersen also visited Paris Mill which produced gold, silver, and lead for decades, and is one of the last remaining mills of its era. The mill has been restored thanks to help from the Colorado National Heritage Areas Reauthorization Act which was introduced by Colorado’s United States. Senators Michael Bennet and John Hickenlooper and signed into law by President Biden in December of 2022. Rep. Pettersen also toured the historic district of South Park City and learned about the Historical Foundation's efforts at restoration and preservation of buildings and artifacts.

Finally, Pettersen ended the day in Fairplay where she met with Mayor Frank Just and other local leaders. They discussed workforce shortages and lack of affordable housing and childcare in the area. She also heard about the need for wildfire mitigation and addressing the skyrocketing cost of homeowners insurance due to wildfire risks.