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Reps. Pettersen, Moore Introduce Legislation to Provide Regulatory Relief for the Outdoor Outfitting and Guiding Industry

WASHINGTON—U.S. Representatives Brittany Pettersen (D-CO) and Blake Moore (R-UT) introduced the bipartisan Outdoor Recreational Outfitting and Guiding Act to provide regulatory relief to workers in the outdoor outfitting and guiding industry.

“Outfitters and river guides allow people from around the world to experience Colorado’s stunning natural beauty,” said Pettersen. “In parts of my district, the tourism industry is the backbone of the local economies. I want to make sure these businesses aren’t unnecessarily burdened by work requirements. I’m glad to join Congressman Blake Moore on this bipartisan bill that will help the outdoor tourism industry and keep guides and outfitters employed.”

“The outdoor tourism industry is foundational to Utah’s economy,” said Moore. "Unfortunately, new regulations threaten to overburden this critical industry. I am pleased to introduce this bipartisan legislation with Congresswoman Pettersen to roll back regulations that have uniquely harmed outfitters and guides.”

Currently, outdoor recreation providers who operate on federal lands are subject to stricter overtime requirements than other recreation establishments. This is an impractical threshold for the demands that come with outdoor guiding. Due to the nature of outdoor recreation work, guides can hit the overtime threshold within a few days, forcing companies to replace guides mid-trip or offer fewer opportunities for customers. This legislation would exempt eligible employees from the overtime limit in order to support and expand the outdoor tourism industry and encourage more Americans to experience the many natural wonders our nation has to offer. According to the Colorado Office of Economic Development, Colorado’s outdoor recreation sector contributes $9.6 billion to the state economy and was responsible for 120,000 jobs in 2020 alone.

“Outfitters are in the business of delivering life-changing experiences every day in the face of rapidly increasing costs,” said Aaron Bannon, Executive Director of the American Outdoors Association. “The Outdoor Recreational Outfitting and Guiding Act addresses this and acknowledges that seasonal recreation providers, many of whom provide remote, multiday trips, do not operate in a 9-to-5 work world. America Outdoors deeply appreciates the Representatives’ leadership on this issue that is critical to both the Utah economy and the economic engine that supports so many rural American communities.”