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Rep. Pettersen Statement on the Bipartisan Debt Limit Agreement

WASHINGTON—Today, U.S. Representative Brittany Pettersen (CO-07) released the following statement on her vote on the bipartisan agreement to avoid default by raising the debt ceiling:

“Republican leaders in Congress got us into this situation. They chose to hold our economy hostage and created this crisis by playing games with the very foundation of our economy, our national security, and people’s livelihoods—this is not how you govern. Because of the steadfast leadership of President Biden and Democrats who have been working to find solutions, there is now a bipartisan deal to avoid the worst of the fallout—but it is far from perfect. 

“It is with resolve, but also frustration, that I will vote yes on this bill and fulfill Congress’ constitutional responsibility to prevent a first-ever default. We cannot risk an economic collapse, which would devastate retirement accounts, compromise our global standing, and cost more than 10,000 jobs in Colorado alone—so I hope my colleagues on both sides of the aisle will do the right thing and join me in supporting the deal.

“This bipartisan agreement will save our country from default until 2025 and protects many critical programs, including Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, veterans’ health care, and debt relief for students. Where it falls short, however, are the cuts Republicans included to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program, which millions of families rely on just to get by. 

“I am committed to balancing our budget in the long-term, which includes addressing our revenue shortfall by fixing the unfair tax code written by Republicans to benefit the wealthy on the backs of regular people. That is why I introduced an amendment to this bill to reverse Trump-era tax cuts for millionaires. House Republicans refused to even debate it. Even in the face of their catastrophic agenda to cut lifelines that so many Americans rely on, I pledge to work every day on behalf of Coloradans to find solutions where we can and hold Republicans accountable for putting our economy in danger.”